Explore the Frontiers of Consciousness

Join an interactive global community and access the world's largest database of research on psychedelics, meditation, dreaming, and consciousness exploration.

Whether you're an enthusiast, clinician, researcher, or just curious, this platform offers unparalleled resources and collaborative opportunities.

About Us

Mindscape Collective is a Benefit Limited Liability Company, a mission-driven business designed to create positive impact on society and the environment over profit.

Our mission: We are committed to advancing knowledge and building community around consciousness exploration, its therapeutic and cultural value, and cooperation for a better future.


Mike Elliott

Mike Elliott

Founder & Executive Director

Mike has a long history of consciousness exploration and study through dreams, meditation, psychedelics, and other altered states. He has a BA in Psychology and has been an engineer, organizational leader, consultant, and instructor in the software industry for over 15 years.

Most recently, Mike has worked as a Director of Engineering at Dutchie, the industry-leading software platform for cannabis dispensary operations, and ezCater, the largest catering technology company. He spends his time outdoors, coding, gaming, learning, and exploring the mind and the world.

See his personal website at elliotec.com

Josie Kins

Josie Kins


Josie is a prominent researcher, writer, community leader, YouTuber, and content creator within the online psychedelic subculture. She currently works as the Phenomenologist & AI Performance Specialist at Mindscape Design Labs.

Josie founded PsychonautWiki and The Subjective Effect Index, growing these sites into leading sources of formal documentation, phenomenology, classification, and taxonomy of altered states of consciousness, with over a million monthly visitors.

See her personal website at josiekins.xyz

Platform Features

We're still ironing out some kinks and polishing things up before full release, but here's a non-comprehensive list of features already developed:

  • Aggregation of tens of thousands of research articles from multiple sources on many topics related to consciousness, exporation methods, and it's therapuetic and cultural value
  • Articles summarized and categorized with a little help from AI
  • Robust search, filtering, and navigation by any data attribute on the studies
  • Saving/bookmarking functionality
  • User profiles with commenting capability on articles, and the ability to create topics and discussions
  • And more! We'd love to hear your other ideas in the survey above.

Image gallery coming soon!